Thursday, 27 February 2014


Just a little heads up about a couple of camp things...
-As we have nut allergies on our camps, all home baking will need to be nut free so please keep this in mind when deciding what to make for morning teas!
-I am missing 2 out of 28 consent forms, pretty good going really! If you need another one please don't hesitate to ask. No consent form means no camp.
-We have all our transport and camp parents sorted, thanks very much to everyone who is helping and everyone who offered to help.
-At the moment Lisa and I are organising the camp groups and dorm rooms.
That's all for now on camp.

Hopefully your children have been bringing home their numeracy challenges and their spelling words to practice.

Remember swimming and library on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
Miss M

Thursday, 20 February 2014

A Starry Night

At the moment we are creating our very own Starry Night portraits similar to those of Vinceint Van Gogh. Here you can see some children busily working away on their own artworks.

Week 3 news

-We have been so busy in room 4 lots of the children have been saying they cant believe it is only week 3!
-In  maths at the moment we are learning about fractions, this is a great thing you can be practicing at home with time, cooking etc. "Can you share that block of chocolate evenly for everyone here?" etc. Hands on maths experiences are often the most valuable.
-Mathletics is all up and running and the children all have their own passwords. They should be spending at least half an hour on this three times a week. I can see the tasks they do as well as how they score. 
-We are still swimming on Monday mornings, and there is opportunities for the children to swim almost everyday - in this hot weather, keep sending those togs!
-I still do not have all of the consent forms for camp back, I need them ASAP so that I can be in contact with the camp. I am waiting on about 7.
-I would quite like to have an informal breakfast at school/BBQ at night for all parents and kids to come along. We could have games etc. It would be nice to get to know you all a little better! Let me know what you think.
-Well done to all those children who participated in the triathlon/duathlon. They all looked great and it was fantastic to see them all striving for excellence.
-We have been learning French each day and will be presenting some of it via movie at assembly in week 5! If I have all blog permission I will also upload it to the blog, but can not do that yet.
-We have had Kiwisport Hockey - which the kids loved, and we are going again next Tuesday.
-Finally, we are painting A Starry Night by Van Gogh at the moment! Some will be finished today! Feel free to come and check them out!
That's all from me :)
I will keep you posted as "stuff" happens.
Au revoir.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Superhero recount

When I (speed girl) was 15  I was just an ordinary kid that went to school that no one knew I was a superhero.  But I was late all the time saving the world my Mum and Dad wants me to get smart. Than my birthday came I was 16 than for my birthday I got a new superhero suite on my birthday there was a stickup at the bank. It was a long day and this is what happened:

Firstly, I had a call off my phone and I had to go to the bank and save the day than I went back to school and I leant that superhero’s are helpful.

Then, school was over now so I went home and on the way home I saw a cat up a tree that the tree was on fire so I got the cat down and I put the fire out. You did it again superhero

 Lastly,  this is how I did it I was in school i told my teacher I need to do out  to the toilet and went to the bank and zoomed to get the guns and then I save the cat  and put out the fire.

 It was a hard day today

 The End   By Katie sparkes J

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Lightbolt and Strongfly by Jackson

Lightbolt is a super human who can turn invisible and has superspeed. He has a sidekick called strongfly. there arch enemy is called buzzboy. strongfly has super strength and can fly. he doesnt go to shcool because when he was 7 he made a bad mistake and ran away. after about 3 years of practice finaly he found the secrit of invisability. 

beast boy by abby

My superhero is called beast day he goes has Flint Ryder  to high school. then at night he goes and fight his arch enemy  is called Lava boy and his side kick water boy. beast boys powers are that he turns into a beast and when he punches his arch enemy his arch enemy falls to the ground and then water his arch enemys side kick falls to the grond so now taupo is safe from evil lava boy!!!!!!

By Abby

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Behaviour plan in Room 4

This is Room 4's behaviour plan. Each child is represented by a minyin. The green dot on the belly represents great behaviour. If children begin to show signs of inappropriate behaviour the dot will change to yellow - essentially a warning. If behaviour returns to great, it will be changed back to green. If the behaviour continues to be inappropriate the dot will be changed to orange.

At the end of the term all children who have stayed green all term will be involved in a treat day.

The poster on the left of the "Stay on Green" chart is our class treaty. After studying the Treaty of Waitangi we thought a treaty would be a great way to outline rules/promises in our class. The children came up with all the rules themselves and this is what determines appropriate and inappropriate behaviour for our minyins.

Monday reminders for 9th Feb

Monday the 9th of Feb:
  • We have swimming block one so children will need to bring their togs.
  • We have library block two so children will be allowed to issue two books each to read at home
  • 5.30pm is the camp meeting in the hall
  • 6pm is our class meeting
We have had a great first week in Room 4, it has been lovely meeting most of you and I look forward to meeting the rest of you tomorrow.